10 Big 2017 Movies Destined To Flop
2. Power Rangers

While Power Rangers holds a warm nostalgic glow for a certain generation, it’s aged poorly. The effects and fight scenes look dirt cheap, and the acting was often eye watering. Still, the franchise has a lot of fans, and 2017 sees the Rangers return in a glossy blockbuster.
The reaction thus far is lukewarm; the redesigned outfits are fugly in the extreme, and the trailer made it look like a lazy copy of Chronicle. It appears to be taking itself quite seriously, which is already a warning sign for a Power Rangers movie. The origin story and teen antics look clichéd, and it doesn’t seem to be adding anything fresh to either the superhero genre, or the mythology of the series.
On the bright side, Elisabeth Banks will be playing the villain, and Bryan Cranston will play Zordon, the group’s mentor. Maybe another trailer will come along and reveal why fans should be excited for more Mighty Morphin’, but that would need to happen real soon.