10 Biggest Mistakes Terminator Genisys Has Already Made

9. It€™s Starting A Trilogy (That€™ll Be Over In Four Years)

If there's one thing that's been learnt from The Amazing Spider-Man, it's that studios love to set-up sequels before the thing being sequelised is a hit. If there's a second thing to be learnt from The Amazing Spider-Man, it's that audiences really don't like that. That lesson must have fallen on deaf ears, however, because it looks like the same thing is going to happening with Terminator Genisys. You see, the film is not just a reboot of the franchise, but also the start of a trilogy. Now there's nothing wrong with planning for the future in a broad sense, but in this case there's going to be two more movies irrespective of what audiences make of the first - Paramount have already pegged 2017 and 2018 as the release dates, with all the key actors locked in (including Matt Smith's unnamed hero). Oh, and it gets better; because the rights to the franchise are set to revert to creator James Cameron in 2019, this is all being done out of a desperate attempt to make as much money from the property in the limited time left, irrespective of quality. For some reason Hollywood keeps making movies with the explicit intent of just setting up sequels, ignoring that a solid film is a much better draw than the vague promise of some plot resolution. It's not like this would even be the first time the franchise has made this mistake; Terminator Salvation was likewise meant to be the start of a new trio of movies, but it spent so much time treading narrative water there was no fan interest to see more of the beige future. Sadly, things don't look any different this reboot around.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.