10 Comic Book Movie One Liners That Were Unintentionally Hilarious
8. "No, I Came Back To Stop You" - The Dark Knight Rises

It's fair to say that The Dark Knight Rises didn't exactly feature Christopher Nolan's strongest and most astute direction to date, as best evidenced by Talia al Ghul's (Marion Cotillard) infamous death scene above all else.
As for the creakiest one-liner, though? That occurs a little earlier in the movie when Bane (Tom Hardy) and Batman (Christian Bale) meet up in the middle of a Gotham riot to duke it out.
Bane mockingly says to Bats, "So, you came back to die with your city?", to which the Caped Crusader gruffly retorts, "No, I came back to stop you."
Everything about it is totally hilarious and deflating: the odd lack of wit in Batman's response, the flat, un-cinematic framing of him standing around like a goof, Bale's breathy delivery, and the dramatic pause before Hans Zimmer's musical score kicks in.
In the middle of an epic, serious climax, it's tough not to chuckle at how lazy and lame this line is.