10 Crazy X-Men Ideas Fox Had Before Marvel Got The Rights Back

8. X-Force

X-Men Fantastic Four
Marvel Comics

In Deadpool 2, the Merc with the Mouth assembled a team of mutants to take on Cable, but none of them lasted particularly long. It was a comedic sequence, but not the version of the group fans hoped to see on screen. Well, that was supposed to come in the form on an actual X-Force movie from director Drew Goddard.

He was once attached to helm Sinister Six for Sony Pictures, so a comic book team-up is clearly something the filmmaker was keen on being involved with. It was never clear whether this was meant to come before or after a third Deadpool movie, but the lineup was set to include the likes of Cable, Domino, and potentially Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus.

Wolverine sadly wouldn't have factored into proceedings after Hugh Jackman hung up his claws following Logan, but this is one project fans were actually anxious to see. The hope is that it could happen at Marvel Studios, but there's no guarantee.

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