10 Deaths That Ruined Horror Movies

7. Luke Sanderson - The Haunting (1999)

Thirteen Ghosts Dennis

Right out the gate, it should be said that The Haunting is not exactly Macbeth. But that doesn't mean it's not fun and silly, or that you can't have a good laugh to it.

Starring an improbable cast in Liam Neeson, Owen Wilson and Catherine Zeta-Jones, the film sees a group of individuals gather at Hill House (yes, that Hill House), a spooky old mansion where a 19th-century textile tycoon's wife killed herself, to take part in an insomnia study led by Dr David Marrow (Neeson). To begin with, the film leaves us on the fence, guessing whether the strange happenings around the house -- freak accidents, spooky apparitions and the like -- are all part of the study, designed to provoke reactions from the participants, or whether something a little more supernatural is underway. Well, spoiler: it's the latter.

But this is all fair enough; we're on board whether the ghosts are real or just the janitor in a latex mask. Indeed, for the most part it is Scooby-Doo level shenanigans, until Luke Sanderson (Wilson, playing his usual happy-go-lucky self) is decapitated. Head lopped clean off, then dropped, flung and bounced from one place to another, all on camera. The tone of the film is irreparably broken, and the rest is just a mess.


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