10 Delayed Sequels That Really Weren't Worth The Wait

1. Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull (19 Years)

The first three Indiana Jones movies combine to form one of the greatest trilogies ever made; led by Harrison Ford's iconic portrayal of the title character and packed with memorable dialogue and ingenious practical set-pieces, it seemed that the series had come to an almost perfect conclusion as Indy rode off into the sunset at the conclusion of The Last Crusade. However, talk of a fourth movie continued for almost two decades, and while Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull isn't as bad as some people claim it to be, it was nonetheless a disappointment. It's hard to believe that this was the best that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas could come up with after nearly 20 years. While Ford comfortably slips back into his other signature role and Karen Allen makes a welcome return to the fold, a lot of questionable creative decisions were made. The movie relies too heavily on unconvincing CGI (with the aliens at the end looking particularly terrible), Cate Blanchett's villain is painfully one-dimensional, the infamous fridge-nuking and most painful of all, and Shia LaBeouf swinging on those damn vines stick out memorably. Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull is still an entertaining enough blockbuster, but it definitely wasn't worth such a long wait. Which other long-awaited sequels didn't live up to expectations? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

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