10 Directors Who Should Helm The X-Men Reboot

3. Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon XMen

With Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly and the first Avengers film to his credit Joss Whedon is a fan favourite and has earned a reputation for his ability to subvert genres whilst also showing respect toward them. He is also known for his witty lines and smart storylines in his work and having a love for strong female characters. Considering what he had made fans would love to him make the X-Men reboot.

As well as making some major film and TV staples Whedon has also been a comic writer and one of his most well-known works was the Astonishing X-Men series. In his series, Whedon brought together some famous mutants who reformed the X-Men, brought one famous mutant back to life and fight threats like an alien race who fear a mutant would destroy their world, The Hellfire Club and a robot that formed with the Danger Room.

The most famous storyline during his run was the Gifted storyline where a scientist creates a 'cure' for the mutant gene. FOX did approach him to direct X-Men: The Last Stand which used the Gifted storyline but he turned them down.

Whedon has been burnt with his superhero experience, he had pressure from Marvel Studios to make a sequel to Captain America: The Winter Soldier and set up the films of Phrase Three. The film ended up collapsing under its own weight, Whedon turned the opportunity to make Avengers: Infinity Wars and quit Twitter.

FOX's reputation for studio interference can at times be worst but if they are smart enough to let Whedon have a lot of creative control over the X-Men reboot then they could be onto a winner.

Whedon would be able to bring some colour and humour to the mutant team and handle a film with a large cast of characters.


Kieran Freemantle hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.