10 Disney Supporting Stars That Need Their Own Movie

4. Little John

The Genie Aladdin

Full Disclosure: this animated feature was this author's favourite Disney film as a child, one that still holds a very special place in the heart. It is a beautiful adaptation of the Robin Hood fantasy, with some very cool and suave characters in for the ride.

Little John (let's face it, we could just call him Baloo and be done with it) is another winning turn for actor Phil Harris. He voices Little John, Baloo and Thomas O'Malley (The Aristocats) with his distinctive baritone, one that oozes coolness with every word.

What wouldn't we give for his own stand alone movie? As the three characters are, more or less, the same in terms of their depiction, the film could very easily be a fantasy of reincarnation. Little John, riding off the success of Robin's victory and King Richard's return to the throne, could easily turn his attention to travels, taking him as far as India. Baloo could take up the reigns here, with a similar method used to bring Thomas O'Malley into the mix.

To be very honest, it doesn't really matter how the characters tie together, if only we were to have another chance to watch this animated great do this thing. Phil Harris passed away in the '90s, as did Ed Gilbert, the actor who voiced Baloo in the Tail Spin TV series, so the search would be on to find an actor capable of filling these big shoes.

Little John was one of the coolest characters of my childhood. Another few minutes is all I ask!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick