10 Disturbing Scenes Cut From Comic Book Movies

7. Prison Murder - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

The Dark Knight Lau Death
Warner Bros.

However you felt about the final product, it’s putting it mildly to say Batman V Superman was divisive. The dark tone combined with a lack of humour made it feel downright oppressive at times, which some fans loved while it turned others off.

The Ultimate Edition version helped patch up some plot holes and make the violence even more impactful. Blood sprays out of gunshot wounds, and the fight scenes overall feel crunchier. It also shows what happens when Batman brands criminals.

In the extended cut, we follow the fate of the sex trafficker he branded at the start of the movie, who is shoved into jail and naturally afraid for his life. He has every right to be since he’s soon brutally shanked in the jail yard by other inmates. This gritty scene was too much for cinemas, so “lucky” fans got to see it in the extended version instead.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.