10 Disturbing Scenes Cut From Comic Book Movies

6. The Kingpin Kills His Bodyguards - Daredevil

The Dark Knight Lau Death
20th Century Fox

The Ben Affleck Daredevil movie hasn’t aged well, especially in light of the recent Netflix series. Affleck and Colin Farrell both hate it, it’s loaded with horrid Nu Metal songs and it comes from that awkward phase where studios were still trying to figure comic book movies out.

There’s some good stuff in there, though, with the director’s cut helping smooth out the rougher edges. It restored a half hour of footage, filling in plot holes and making it feel edgier. It also added back the uncut Kingpin introduction, where he murders two bodyguards who might be leaking information.

He bashes one in the head and grabs the other by the throat, unleashing a rather unsettling yell, before finally cracking his neck like a twig. It’s not gory, but it’s easy to see why it was too much for a teen audience.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.