10 Doctor Who Actors Who Were In A Marvel Studios Property

6. Tony Curran

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Matt Smith
Marvel Studios

Doctor Who is loved by its fans for its ability to captivate its followers each week. Some episodes, however, have a longer-lasting effect than others. One of which was even the subject of a mass virtual gathering of Doctor Who fans for a tweet-a-long evening, Vincent And The Doctor.

It's not surprising this episode has had a lasting effect on the shows fans when you take a look at the creative team behind it. The story was written by British rom-com legend, Richard Curtis and directed by Jonny Campbell who in recent years has worked closely with the TV adaptation, Westworld. Playing the title character in the episode was actor, Tony Curran as Vincent Van Gogh.

In the episode, The Doctor and Amy travel back in time to meet Van Gogh and face an invisible monster that only the painter can see. The episode does a wonderful job at depicting Van Gogh and his endless battle with his mental health and how he uses his paintings as an escape from his upsetting life. The episode is worth a watch with the ending bring Whovians to teras.

Tony Curran also went onto star in Thor: The Dark World alongside Christopher Eccleston as Bor, the former king of Asgard and grandfather of Hela and Thor as well as appearing in the Netflix series Daredevil as Finn Cooley.

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Alright? Film student and freelance photographer living on Earth. Read my stuff and follow me on Twitter (@timxsaxby) for my off-key remarks and crazy insights. Fan of Doctor Who, Back To The Future and a lot of British sitcoms.