10 Doctor Who Actors Who Were In A Marvel Studios Property

5. Jenna Coleman

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Matt Smith

After Amy and Rory left the TARDIS the Eleventh Doctor found himself in the company of Clara Oswald, a character who had appeared a handful of times in previous episodes to the surprise of The Doctor.

Jenna Coleman's character was nicknamed "the impossible girl" due to her constant meetings in the Doctors timeline. With both previous encounters seeing the character die by the time the episode was over, The Doctor was keen to keep this version alive. The character went on to outlive the Eleventh Doctor but came to her end with his successor, Peter Capaldi.

Before stepping foot inside The TARDIS, Coleman made a blink and you'll miss it appearance in Captain America: The First Avenger as Connie. The character of Connie appears when she goes on a double date at the Stark Expo with Bucky Barnes, Bonnie and Steve Rogers. She watched with the others has Howard Stark presented the flying car. Later we find out that Connie served as a nurse and was among those who greeted the Howling Commandos back home.

Jenna Coleman made a one time return to the show in Capaldi's last outing as The Doctor in Twice Upon A Time.

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Alright? Film student and freelance photographer living on Earth. Read my stuff and follow me on Twitter (@timxsaxby) for my off-key remarks and crazy insights. Fan of Doctor Who, Back To The Future and a lot of British sitcoms.