10 Doctor Who Actors Who Were In A Marvel Studios Property

4. Laurence Belcher

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Matt Smith

One Doctor Who tradition is that when the holiday's roll around we are treated to a festive special which usually depicts The Doctor and friends in a Christmas themed adventure. Some of the specials are monumental episodes in the show's history with them often being the moment one Doctor passes on the mantel to the next. Some of them are just a fun, one-off, story.

A Christmas Carol was the 2010 Christmas special of Doctor Who starring Matt Smith alongside opera singer Katherine Jenkins and acting legend, Michael Gambon. One Christmas Eve, The Doctor is forced to travel into the past of a bitter old man who has the power to save Amy and Rory but refuses to help. The bitter old man in question is Kazran Sardick played by Gambon who's childhood is revisited by that of the Doctor. Kazran as a child is played by British actor, Laurence Belcher.

Since starring in Doctor Who, Belcher has gone on to star in a few projects here and there including playing that of a young Prince William in the film, Diana. One role that might have slipped past even the keenest Whovioan eye would be the time when Belcher played a young Charles Xavier/Professor X in X-Men: First Class.

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Alright? Film student and freelance photographer living on Earth. Read my stuff and follow me on Twitter (@timxsaxby) for my off-key remarks and crazy insights. Fan of Doctor Who, Back To The Future and a lot of British sitcoms.