10 Films For People Who Hate Fantasy

8. The Princess Bride

Beetlejuice Lydia

This 1987 classic film shows fantasy can be modest and hilarious. It's an adorable story that makes fun of itself the entire way. The classic film still stands today in its quality and ability to engage its audience. It's a film any fantasy hater can enjoy.

The movie is a play that somebody filmed with its incredible set pieces and masterful practical effects. It's incredibly quotable even though it's over 30 years old. The story within a story shows the title character Buttercup, played by Robin Wright, mourning her beloved Westley's death and forced into marriage with Prince Humperdinck. Just before the wedding, she gets kidnapped. That journey is when we see the film's special effects in action. First with shrieking eels and then famously, the ROUSes rodents of unusual size.

When Buttercup and Wesley are reunited and enter the Fire Swamp, they encounter an attacking ROUS. This scene phenomenal because it is very clearly a man in a giant rat suit, flailing around wildly. Anyone who dislikes fantasy will be able to immerse themselves in this movie.

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Dominic is an aspiring writer from San Francisco. He likes dogs.