10 Great Examples Of No-Selling Attacks In Movies

2. Rocky Vs Drago: Round 1 (Rocky IV)

Rocky Vs Drago In Rocky IV, Rocky Balboa went up against "The Siberian Bull" Ivan Drago for the first and only time. Of course, Balboa would ultimately prevail with a 15th round knockout victory, thanks to his incredible stamina, heart and willpower, but in the first round it seemed as if Drago was impossible to hurt. Drago dominated the opening, punching Balbo all over the ring, essentially manhandling the Italian Stallion, but when Rocky started getting in a few punches of his own, the big Soviet fighter would no-sell them in the most nonchalant of ways. He allowed Balboa to corner him and raised his arms, inviting him to punch his midriff. Rocky obliged and landed a series of powerful blows to Drago's ribs and stomach, to absolutely no avail - Drago didn't even flinch.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.