10 Great Under The Radar Movies Still To Come In 2016

8. I Am Not A Serial Killer

The War On Everyone Movie Review
Quick Fire Films

Based on the bestselling book of the same name, I Am Not A Serial Killer follows a teenager who is obsessed with death, who then has to track down a killer within his small town. The film is said to be a tense and darkly funny thriller, with two great lead performances.

Doc Brown himself Christopher Lloyd plays a seemingly gentle old neighbour of the lead character, who might be harbouring a dark secret of his own. The film has picked up a lot of buzz recently, thanks to the unique tone and slick direction.

Horror comedy is also one of the hardest genres to pull off – with movies like Shaun Of The Dead and An American Werewolf In London being rare exceptions – so let’s hope we can add another one to the list with I Am Not A Serial Killer.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.