10 Great Under The Radar Movies Still To Come In 2016

7. Hard Target 2

The War On Everyone Movie Review

While it didn’t receive rave reviews back in 1993, John Woo’s action thriller Hard Target has since become a major cult classic; after all, this is a film where Van Damme surfs on a motorbike while firing a gun, and punches out a snake.

It’s a little odd that it’s receiving a Van Damme-less sequel two decades later, but who are we to complain? His replacement is Scott Adkins – star of the underrated Universal Soldier: Day or Reckoning – who plays a fighter lured to Thailand on the promise of a big paycheque, only to find himself hunted by evil rich dudes.

The setup is basically the same then, but the film has some great looking action and Adkins himself will be performing all the fight and stunts. With action cinema becoming a little too reliant on CGI, it’s nice to see an old-fashioned B-movie with real action and stunt work.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.