10 Great Zombie Movies With At Least One Survivor

7. Warm Bodies

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse
Summit Entertainment

For all intents and purposes, a zombie romantic-comedy simply should not work. Legal considerations and ramifications concerning necrophilia aside, it's hard for an audience to get behind a mindless undead protagonist whose only real desires revolve around the consumption of brain matter and bone fragments.

Or so it initially seemed. Drawing additional inspiration from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in a further bizarre twist, 2013's Warm Bodies was acclaimed as a heart-warming, cleverly written spin on the genre. Unfolding from the perspective of the zombie in a uniquely innovative narrative twist, the movie is helmed by a pair of superb turns from the consistently underrated Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer. Razor sharp in its execution and remarkably self aware, Jonathan Levine's direction produces a triumphant amalgamation of of laughs, gasps and some genuinely moving moments.

For the less hardened viewers amongst us, this spin on Shakespeare's epic tragedy also has the benefit of not ending in a devastating double suicide. Upon meeting Palmer's Julie in the story's early going, Hoult's zombie R slowly begins to return to life across the course of the film as his heart starts beating again. Many of the undead eventually begin to mimic his revival, meaning that swathes of zombies returned to human form are left standing in addition to our star-crossed leading duo when the credits roll.

The power of love is a curious thing.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.