10 Horror Movie 2020 Fates Worse Than Death

5. Bad Hair - Zora Is Possessed By The Hair

Possessor ending

First thing's first: Yes, this is a film about haunted hair. But it is actually very, very good if you can get past the fact that, well, it's a film about haunted hair.

In an attempt to rise through the ranks of Culture, a television station featuring Black artists, assistant Anna sets out to impress her colleague Zora, the new head of programming. Zora responds well, but insists that Anna adopt a hairstyle that better reflects the vibe of the company.

She takes the advice, goes out in search of her new look, and is simultaneously given a special concoction to maintain it by the salon, and told she must never, ever get it wet. Quicker than you can ask yourself 'wait, is this really a film about haunted hair that also has the plot of Gremlins?', the mayhem begins.

You see, the hair is possessed by witches and, specifically, witches who were tortured and killed on a plantation in the past. Oh, and it feeds on blood, meaning that when Anna goes to a different salon to have it removed, it kills everyone in the room.

While Anna does manage to escape by turning on the sprinklers and breaking the rule of getting the hair wet, - Zora isn't so lucky. After being killed by the haunted weave she is reanimated and returns to control Culture, doomed to be an undying host for the hair forever.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick