10 Horror Movie Characters Everyone Hated (But Survived)
9. Grace Ferrin - The Purge

The Purge's hilarious final twist sees the Sandin family being saved from the remaining Purgers by a group of their neighbours.
But after a beat, one of the group, Grace (as Grace Ferrin), reveals that they only saved the Sandins so they could be the ones to kill them.
As it turns out, the neighbours were basically jealous of the Sandins "flaunting" their wealth and high-tech security system, and so decided to cleanse themselves of their hatred by killing them on Purge Night.
But before they can kill the family, the wounded man (Edwin Hodge) the Sandins saved earlier in the film returns, killing one of the neighbours and subduing the rest.
With the tables turned, Grace even encourages Mary Sandin (Lena Headey) to kill her and the other neighbours, but she takes the moral high ground and decides against it.
Instead, they all sit around and wait for Purge Night to end, at which point Grace sees an opening and reaches for Mary's shotgun.
But Mary beats her to the punch, violently smashing her face with the shotgun, before slamming her face-first into a table for good measure.
Mary again insists she won't kill Grace, who has now lost some teeth and is bleeding from the nose, even though most watching surely would've loved to see her get her just desserts before sunrise.
Grace hasn't appeared in any of the Purge sequels, and it's probably safe to assume that she moved away from the Sandins before the next Purge Night. If not, awwwkward.