10 Iconic Movie Moments (That Were Only Added At The Last Minute)

9. The Shawarma Post-Credits Sting - The Avengers

The Iconic Scene: The Avengers' reveal that mad titan Thanos was behind Loki's plot is the best credits scene to come from Marvel (perhaps bar Nick Fury in Iron Man), setting in motion events we're still waiting to see paid off. What a great way to end a great film. But that's not all. Those who stuck through the whole credits were gifted with a second, less important (but just as cool) scene of the gang tucking into shawarma. A little throw-back to Tony Stark's post-wormhole cravings, it's become one of the most remembered elements of the film and heralded an age of movies coming with two post-credit stings. Why Was It Last Minute? This scene was included so late on that the movie had actually premiered (and was on general release in international territories) before it was even shot. Stark's original shwarma musings were ad-libbed by Downey Jr. (it's not in the shooting script) and, realising it was one of the film's top jokes, Joss Whedon and co. decided to give it a little pay-off. Shot after the L.A. premiere (the best way to get the whole cast together), the scene was quickly added to US copies of the film. It wasn't as easy as pie (or kebab) though - Chris Evans had cut his hair and grown a beard since filming. That's a lot of effort for a joke most people would miss.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.