10 Least Convincing Movie Badasses

5. Adrian Brody - Royce (Predators)

When Adrian Brody was cast in Predators it raised some eyebrows. He hardly had the buffest physique or much experience with action, so he was an odd choice to follow in the footsteps of Schwarzenegger. Casting against type can pay off in big ways so this might have been a stroke of genius. It wasn€™'t.

Brody obviously spent a lot of time in the gym for the role, which paid off in some impressive abs. He doesn€™'t capture the spirit of a bitter mercenary at all though. He puts on a growly tough guy voice to whisper every line, yet he's just not believable. He also looks a little scared of his massive shotgun whenever he has to fire it, with the violent recoil making it look like it could fly out of his hands at any moment.

When he beats the Predator in the final showdown it feels like more of a triumph for the editor than Brody, as the quick cuts give the illusion he really could take down such a beast.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.