10 Legendary Musicians Who Deserve Their Own Biopics (And Who Could Play Them)

5. Amy Winehouse - Rose Byrne

BiopicwinehouseThe Premise: The most prodigious young singer for a generation battles addiction, whilst releasing one of the greatest records of the century. An Amy Winehouse film has been in talks since her tragic death at the age of just 27. Even Lady Gaga's been mentioned in relation to playing the role - Gaga actually started dying her hair blonde to avoid confusion between the two - but surely a proven actor must take on the part if it comes calling? Helena Bonham Carter is perhaps the most obvious choice to play Winehouse, but she's nearly 50 now. Aside from her, X-Men: First Class star Rose Byrne would be capable of giving Amy a vulnerable, tortured feel; she's a chameleonic actress who would no doubt highlight the nuances of the late singer's personality. Though she's Australian, she's given good English accent performances in the past, and she's closer to Winehouse's age than many actors capable of playing the role. If only Al Pacino was 30 again. He'd be a dead ringer for friend and producer Mark Ronson, wouldn't he?

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.