10 Major Movie Franchise Reveals Found In Spin-Offs

4. There's More Than One Monster - Cloverfield

Star Wars boba fett

Cloverfield was one of the earliest movies to make good use of viral marketing, with JJ Abrams sadistically withholding details so people would be more drawn to it. Numerous websites and fake social media profiles cropped up too, so fans could dig into the mystery for themselves.

There’s a whole big backstory for the monster the movie only hints at, but a lot of important info is actually revealed in an official four-part Japanese manga. It sheds light on the activities of fictional drilling company Tagruato and the monster itself, which was hibernating in the ocean until the drilling disturbed its rest. It works up and goes on a rampage in the prequel manga, which in typical style features wacky elements like a cult that worships the monster.

Eventually the monster is seemingly killed by the army, sinking to the bottom of the sea. This is the most intriguing part, indicating it’s not the same monster seen in the original, and that there’s a lot more unhatched eggs buried in the ocean too.

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