10 More Movies Where The Reshoots Were Painfully Obvious

7. The Predator

The Predator Boyd Holbrook

Though it was well-publicised ahead of The Predator's release that the film had been through extensive reshoots, even blissfully unaware audiences had a pretty good chance of figuring it out from the messy end result.

Even ignoring the fact that countless scenes from the trailers were missing from the final film and the climax was literally changed from day to night in reshoots, there are numerous moments that feel either rushed or cynically cobbled together by a focus group committee.

For starters, human antagonist Treager's (Sterling K. Brown) death is borderline incomprehensible, obscured by darkness and spasmodic editing, suggesting it was thrown together in rushed reshoots and awkwardly spliced into the third act.

Then there's the constantly erratic spatial and timeline logic of the final battle: it rushes from night to day ludicrously fast, and Casey (Olivia Munn) is basically able to teleport around the area with a speed no human being actually could.

But worst of all, there's the laughable sequel-baiting final scene, which introduces an Iron Man-like suit called the Predator Killer. In its utter desperation, it couldn't reek more aggressively of reshoot fodder - and that's exactly what it is.

Again, the film's production issues are already well-noted, but while some projects have actually pulled off a pretty convincing save with reshoots - most recently Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - in The Predator's case it was simply a case of haphazardly attempting to patch a long-deflated vessel.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.