10 More Terrible Extras Who Completely Ruined Their Scenes

9. Batman Begins - The Forgetful Policeman

Batman Begins Police
Warner Bros.

Usually, a good Extra will blend into the background, even when given a reasonably sized responsibility like telling Batman to turn off his engine, or being involved in a silly sight joke that probably has no place in a gritty realist actioner like Batman Begins for instance.

For some reason, both of those responsibilities were given to the same man, unless the uniformed cop above is one half of identical twins, of course. First off, the cop tells Batman to step away from his vehicle, at the start of the clip below, delivering his line with authenticity and conviction and not really drawing too much attention to himself. Mighty fine work, even if it's not actually very successful.

But then less than two minutes later, the same cop, clearly suffering from some kind of temporary emotional memory loss, asks dispatch to confirm what Batman's car looks like. Apparently, he teleported himself across the city, just as Batman did in The Dark Knight Rises...

Degenerative memory diseases are nothing to be laughed at, but you perhaps shouldn't employ an actor who is going to forget something as big and bold as Batman's car. Because obviously, there's no way the writing or background casting could be to blame here, given that Christopher Nolan is pretty much God.

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