10 Most Ridiculous Action Movie One-Liners

2. Sgt. Jericho Jackson - Action Jackson

Ol9The Line: 'Barbeque huh? How do you like your ribs?' I don't have a bad word for Carl Weathers, he's a legend. Whether it's Predator, Rocky or even Arrested Development he's certainly an entertaining presence on screen. Action Jackson is what happens when you let him go crazy in front of a camera and I assure you, it's equal parts cool and insane. Following the awesomely named Sgt. Jericho 'Action' Jackson, a renegade cop who doesn't play by anyone's rules, the film is a roller coaster ride of shameless violence and shirtless Carl Weathers. It's chock full of fantastic dialogue such as Jackson replying to his captain saying 'you could have taken that boys arm off' with 'he's got a spare'. Typical macho posturing sure, but that's what you've gone in expecting with a film called Action Jackson. As is the case with most things though, the film's not quite perfect. Jackson's line of questioning about ribs is simply bizarre. Granted I'm not a maverick cop but I don't assume I'd be thinking about BBQ moments before grenade launchering someone off the face of the earth. It sounds like it was conceived when looking at a takeaway menu so you can chalk this one up to hungry writers if you ask me. This one could go either way really, some might see it as so ridiculous it's great €“ but personally I'm in the other camp.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson