10 Most Ridiculous Action Movie One-Liners

1. Mason Storm - Hard To Kill


The Line: 'I'm gonna take you to the bank Senator Trent... to the blood bank'

It's hard to imagine Steven Seagal was ever an action superstar when you see him now. He currently resembles a wet bag of sand in a kimono which I'll be honest, isn't the best look. This wasn't always the case however, back in his heyday he was kicking ass and taking names, making sure people took the ponytail and leather jacket combo seriously. There was never any real danger in Seagal's films as none of his opponents ever landed a hit on him, regardless of how important they were. I imagine that a lot of them came from his dreams in which he is a man that people legitimately fear and respect. That's enough digs at Seagal's expense, I'll let his future output do that for me. The crowning achievement in his action star days was, without a doubt the one-liner above. It's like a child trying to think of a comeback in a playground argument and the best part about it is he's saying it to himself. So he's sat alone and thinks up a quip to announce to his empty room? I think it's for the best he kept it to himself; I don't think the finale would have been quite so gripping if all of his enemies fell to the floor laughing. What do you think? Any we've missed out? Get yourself to the comments and tell us your favourite one-liner.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson