10 Most Underrated Moments In The MCU

8. Iron Man And War Machine Fight The Drones - Iron Man 2

Loki Thor The Dark World
Marvel Studios

Iron Man 2 is considered one of the weaker entries in the MCU; the cast are still great, but the movie is overloaded with extraneous sub-plots there only to set up The Avengers and the movie has a maddeningly uneven pace.

Still, there are plenty of gems to be enjoyed like Sam Rockwell’s Justin Hammer, the late, great Garry Shandling’s cameo and the slice of awesome that is Iron Man and War Machine taking on Hammer’s drones. It’s the only action scene in the movie that really works, and seeing the two working together to demolish the robot army delivers on the promise of War Machine's set up in the original; when he looked a little like Terrence Howard.

Director Favreau even sneaks in a little bit of gore, in the form of the drones squirting oil everywhere when they’re destroyed. It’s all rounded off by Tony using his super lasers to slice the remaining drones to pieces, and audiences felt for a brief moment like Iron Man 2 was finally living up to its potential.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.