10 Most Underrated Moments In The MCU

6. Justin Hammer Selling Guns To Rhodey - Iron Man 2

Loki Thor The Dark World
Marvel Studios

Iron Man 2 might have been a bit of a letdown after the original, but as I already alluded to it had a secret weapon in Sam Rockwell. His snivelling Justin Hammer was written simply as the massively insecure rival to Tony Stark, but he made up for it with Rockwell’s trademark wit and need to randomly dance whenever possible.

The scene that showed him at his best is when he sells weapons to Rhodey for his War Machine suit, where he shows off his impressive array of armaments while lovingly caressing each one. For all his posing, Hammer does make for a great salesman, and Rockwell gets a lot comic mileage out of trying to impress Rhodey and getting absolutely no feedback in return.

It’s a small moment that best displays Hammer’s sleazy charm, and while he’s a long way from being a credible threat to Stark he is at the very least an entertaining one.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.