10 Most Underrated Moments In The MCU

4. Loki Reacts To Frigga's Death - Thor: The Dark World

Loki Thor The Dark World

Loki is without a doubt the best villain in the MCU, although that’s not a hard bar to jump over. It was a star making turn for Tom Hiddleston, where he could jump from being charming one moment to a malevolent monster the next, but somehow remain likeable throughout.

There was always a hint of a soul underneath all of Loki's schemes, be it his feelings of betrayal about his true birthright or Thor being Odin's favourite son. The Dark World explored the sensitive side of Loki a little closer, courtesy of his warm relationship with his adopted mother Frigga.

Her son might be a vain, genocidal creep but he’s still her child, and she does her best to keep him company during his imprisonment. His crushed reaction to her death – which he tries to hide from Thor behind an illusion – is a scene that somewhat redeems his character in the eyes of the audience, by showing he does have a heart in there after all.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.