10 Most Underrated Moments In The MCU

2. Angry Drunk Rocket - Guardians Of The Galaxy

Loki Thor The Dark World
Marvel Studios

It’s strange to think that Guardians Of The Galaxy was once considered a huge risk for Marvel, given how beloved the result was. It was perfectly cast, and managed to win the audience over with a combination of action and heart.

Rocket Racoon was the breakout star of the movie, despite being a CGI rodent voiced by Bradley Cooper. He was loud and abrasive for sure, but underneath all the bravado he was a wounded animal with a huge inferiority complex.

This is shown best in the moment where the drunk Rocket is about to blast Drax for insulting him, and spelling out his feelings about being made to feel like a freak by the rest of the crew. It’s an unexpectedly emotional scene, which again showed off director Gunn's deft ability to balance the light with some darkness; and who expected to get weepy listening to talking raccoon in a Marvel movie?


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.