10 Movie Cliches That Need To Die

1. Hacking Into The Mainframe (Somehow)

Social Network Hacking Scene
Columbia Pictures

It's always been a running joke that Hollywood doesn't understand computers. The early 2000s especially featured an embarrassing amount of 'terrifying' internet movies about killer MySpace pages (probably), and they all came across like they were designed by an actual dinosaur.

Of course, it's computer whizzes hacking into the mainframe that's remained a constant cliche in movies. The dork hacker is an overused archetype (replaced recently by the cool hipster hacker), but it's the way Hollywood visualises the process that's the worst.

Hacking in real life - from what I've gleaned from this great Wired YouTube video anyway - isn't sexy or all that interesting to watch. In the movies though, it's all cool visuals, sci-fi nodes and fingers moving faster than light hammering into keyboards.

It's at the point where it's almost become a self-aware cliche, and there's a race to see which movie can be the most ridiculous with their hacking scenes.


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3