10 Movie Deaths Only Explained Outside Of The Films

2. Irma Bunt - Diamonds Are Forever

On Her Majesty's Secret Service Irma Bunt

Die hard Bond fans will recognise Irma Bunt as the woman responsible for the murder 007's wife, Tracy Bond. She featured primarily in On Her Majesty's Secret Service - the only film in the Bond franchise to feature Australian George Lazenby in the lead role.

The studio famously brought back Sean Connery for the role in Diamonds are Forever, which would be has last (official) appearance as the character, with the remake of Thunderball, Never Say Never Again, having released away from Bond's traditional home of MGM. Diamonds also brought the character back to basics, ignoring the events of the Lazenby Bond feature and instead opting to portray a more traditional 007 thriller set in the Las Vegas strip.

This meant that Bunt escaped reprisals in the sequels, and with actress who played her - Ilse Steppat - having passed away shortly before filming started anyway, it made sense not to pursue the angle - at least in the films.

Bizarrely, Bunt does actually meet a deadly end in the comics - as she does in the novels - so at least there's some closure there.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.