10 Movie Deaths Only Explained Outside Of The Films

3. Azazel And Angel - Days Of Future Past

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Days of Future Past released as something of a corrective measure for Fox's X-Men films. The series' continuity had taken a turn for the worse with the release of The Last Stand and later X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and with the prequels gathering steam, the studio saw fit to bring together the franchise's past and present to tell the ultimate X-Men story.

In striving to bring together both generations of X-Men, however, some allowances had to be made. The actual Days of Future Past storyline was chopped and changed from the comics, substituting Kitty Pryde for Wolverine in the leading role, and when it came time to decide which mutants from the films were worth highlighting, characters from both incarnations found themselves strewn across the cutting-room floor.

Both Azazel and Angel (played by Jason Flemyng and Zoƫ Kravitz respectively), were two of those characters. Their fates are only alluded to in the film itself, so it fell upon Fox's marketing department to explain what actually happened.

When developing the alt-history in which the X-Men films are set, writer J.C. Hutchins developed an intricate story surrounding mutantkind's role in sixties America. Among the most important events was JFK's assassination, which Days of Future Past confirms Magneto to be the mastermind behind. Hutchins' fictional report, The Bent Bullet, goes into great detail surrounding Magneto's role in the murder, while explaining the faits of Azazel and Angel - two principle members of First Class' Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

"Indeed, two members of Lehnsherr's own Brotherhood of Mutants, an organization the FBI classified as "a pro-mutant terrorist group," were killed. The mutants code-named Azazel and Tempest were slain by Project: WideAwake operatives in July."

It is then also confirmed that the pair's bodies were claimed by Trask Industries, where autopsies attempted to uncover a weakness in the mutant gene.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.