10 Movie Franchise Staples Nobody Actually Cares About

10. "Family Is Everything" - The Fast & The Furious

The Fast And The Furious

There's no denying that the Fast & Furious franchise has become a mammoth box office success largely thanks to the international appeal of its massively diverse cast.

And while the theme of family has always been prevalent throughout the series, the last few entries have leaned hard into it, in a manner so aggressively sappy and sentimental it verges on self-parody.

As thoroughly, self-consciously silly as these films are, they actually take their "family is everything" spiel completely seriously, as though the audience is genuinely invested in this corny hokum beyond the likeability of the cast and the inevitable vehicular shenanigans they get involved in.

People are here for the charming actors, absurd car chases and Tyrese getting dunked on at every possible opportunity - certainly not Vin Diesel's born-of-cardboard Dominic Toretto spitting out the word "family" every five minutes.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.