10 Movie Monsters All Played By The Same Actor

9. The Mummy - Set

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Universal Pictures

The Mummy will go down in history as the movie that tried and failed to kickstart the Dark Universe, which is a shame because there was so much potential. Though when your movie is a bit of a mess, it is hardly surprising.

When a couple of soldiers discover the sarcophagus of Princess Ahmanet in Iraq, they decide to transport it to Britain. All hell then breaks loose on the plane journey, which sees folks die, planes crash, and Tom Cruise come back to life like the God he thinks he is.

After coming back to life, Tom Cruise learns from his dead pal that Princess Ahmanet is on a personal mission to summon Set, the Egyptian God of Death, and a mission to save the world ensues.

Sadly, Botet is seldom seen in the movie as Set, with Sofia Boutella's Ahmanet being the primary antagonist. Which is sad because Set looks more like a mummy than anybody else in a movie called The Mummy.

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.