10 Movies From 2016 That Really Shouldn’t Have Been Boring

8. Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

Wolverine Weapon X
Paramount Pictures

It doesn’t seem like it now, but there was a time Tom Cruise didn’t do much action. It was only with Mission: Impossible II that he started getting into firing guns and punching people, and he’s been doing it quite well ever since with the other Mission sequels, Edge Of Tomorrow and Knight And Day.

Jack Reacher is almost a parody of those kinds of movies, with Cruise portraying a superman hero with unmatched mental and physical resources. The first movie was an enjoyable piece of action fluff thanks to slick direction, but Never Go Back is basic, by the numbers filler.

Sure Reacher punches and shoots, but it’s told with such little flair or imagination it just kind of sits there onscreen; the only reason they stand out is because the movie gets slightly louder. It feels like something that was made because Cruise had a gap in his schedule, and that searing lack of passion is reflected in the movie.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.