10 Movies That Hated The Statue Of Liberty

7. X-Men (2000)

The climax of Bryan Singer's superhero movie takes place in, on and around the Statue of Liberty, with the leather-clad heroes fighting their way to the top in an effort to stop Ian McKellen's Magneto from turning the world's leaders into mutants. After thoughtlessly destroying the gift shop, Storm zaps Toad into the water from the viewing deck after delivering one of the worst payoff lines in cinematic history while Wolverine stabs Mystique for daring to impersonate his majestic sideburns. After defeating Sabretooth in a scrap that leaves Lady Liberty with more than a few scratch marks, Wolverine manages to disable the machine and save Rogue while team leader and example-setter Cyclops knocks out an old man. It made for a refreshing change to see the Statue of Liberty feature in a big-budget movie that didn't completely reduce it to ruins, with the resulting battle saving the world from Magneto's oh-so-ironic plan of using a symbol of freedom as a means to enslave humanity.

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