11 Movies Nominated For Tons Of Oscars (That Somehow Didn't Win Any)

2. The Turning Point (0 For 11)

When it comes to Oscar shutouts, two films are tied for the record: 11 nominations without a single win. The first of these is Turning Point, which received its litany of inglorious snubbings at the 50th Academy Awards. There are plenty of movies from the 1970s that are still popular today and have cemented their place in pop culture history. However, this 1977 ballet drama is not one of them and few would consider it a classic. However, what really took it down was the competition. The 1978 Oscars belonged to Annie Hall (4 wins) and Star Wars (6 wins), two films that remain beloved by most film fans to this day, leaving little left for other popular films like Julia (3 wins) and The Goodbye Girl and Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1 win each). With competition like that, a two hour ballet drama didn't stand a chance even if it did star Shirley MacLaine, Anne Bancroft, and ballet legend Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Chris McKittrick is a published author of fiction and non-fiction and has spoken about film and comic books at conferences across the United States. In addition to his work at WhatCulture!, he is a regular contributor to CreativeScreenwriting.com, MovieBuzzers.com, and DailyActor.com, a website focused on acting in all media. For more information, visit his website at http://www.chrismckit.com.