10 Movies Smarter Than Anyone Wants To Admit

9. Spider-Man (2002)

Total Recall Arnie
Sony Pictures

Now that we have three different Spider-Man series out there right now, there's a strange competition among Marvel fans to see which one is the best of the bunch, instead of just agreeing that the Amazing series sucked and moving on.

But with that comes this odd compulsion to decry the original Spider-Man by Sam Raimi as nothing more than camp silliness. Because I guess having fun in a SUPERHERO MOVIE is out of the question.

This edgelord nonsense is more than just inane and childish, it ignores the fact that the Raimi Spider-Man films, the first one in particular, is easily the strongest thematically of all the Spider-Man films barring Into The Spiderverse.

While the effects haven't aged amazingly, a lot of them still look great due to Raimi being a master of expanding within boundaries. And there's a reason why they haven't even tried recasting J Jonah Jameson since these films, and why when they cast Mary Jane Watson for the MCU, they went in a completely different direction with her. Because this is one of the best casts in a superhero film ever.

But sure, keep making fun of Tobey Maguire's facial expressions. It makes you look smarter every dozen times you do it.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?