10 Movies You Won't Believe Are Already Getting The Remake Treatment

2. Starship Troopers

Starship-Troopers Well, screw it: if they remade Total Recall, they might as well just remake this, huh? Who gives a damn about quality or whether or not it's actually a good idea? Remake it! Remake it because this is America and here we can remake whatever we want! All right, so it's been nearly twenty years since this first hit theatres, but it doesn't feel like that long ago, does it? And Starship Troopers has amassed a huge cult following in the wake of its realise given how brilliantly satirical it is, which means fans don't really want to see a more serious version. Which is what this'll be, according to the people charged with making into a fully-fledged motion picture, hinting that it will have far more in common with movies like Minority Report. Paul Verhoven's version was criticised at the time for being too cheesy, of course, but the movie was later appraised as a satirical masterpiece of sorts when everybody realised he'd done it on purpose. Oh, silly us. Anyway, in the wake of the commercial disappointment that was Total Recall, we haven't heard much about this later, but as of right now it's totally on. Will It Suck? It might not suck totally, but I can't see it rising to the legacy of the original adaptation.

All-round pop culture obsessive.