10 Overlooked Positives of Sylvester Stallone's Judge Dredd

8. A Fully Realised Mega City

One of the few things Danny Cannon does better than Pete Travis, Dredd's Mega City One is an environment very much shaped by its (relatively) ultra-low budget: hence the whole thing taking place in one building. While that Big Meg works in its own way, being as gritty and real as its treatment of the character, there's an undeniable thrill in seeing Mega City One presented as it should be. Rob Schneider's Fergee is dropped into the middle of it, right at the centre of a blazing block war (itself ripped straight out of the pages of 2000AD); a living, breathing Mega City One in which Ian Dury runs a dodgy pawn shop, Judges patrol every street corner and massive, futuristic skyscrapers fill the smoggy skyline. Most impressive of all is the Hall of Justice, shaped like the Judges' iconic eagle, looking like something straight out of the pages of the comic. This Big Meg may be something of a Blade Runner rip-off, but it's closer to the canonical world of Dredd than dusty old Johannesburg. It's just a shame that none of the characters who actually live in it are actually Judge Dredd.
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Judge Dredd
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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.