10 Predictions For Fox's Upcoming Marvel Movies

8. Wolverine Will Be Rebooted With A Younger Actor


Logan brought the curtain down on Hugh Jackman's Wolverine tenure in triumphant fashion. James Mangold's masterpeice was, in may ways, the perfect superhero movie - bold, emotive and full of hard-hitting action.

The adamantium-enhanced anti-hero may have been killed off in the X-universe, but since Jackman first played the part, there's been three different versions of Spider-Man on the big screen, so why can't Logan respawn too?

Fox would have to tread carefully here because there's no point in rebooting Wolverine in the same vein as Jackman's take on the character. The Aussie was definitive in the role and simply replacing him is disrespectful to his legacy.

There are, however, countless more Wolverine stories Fox could tell without diluting the X-universe. When Matthew Vaughn was brought in to reinvigorate the X-Men franchise in 2011, his original vision was for First Class to be followed by a 1970s-set sequel starring a younger Wolverine (he specifically mentioned Tom Hardy).

Although elements of this concept were incorporated into Days of Future Past, the idea of another period prequel could be revisited a few years down the line as a means of rebooting Logan for a new generation of fans.

Nobody likes the thought of a Wolverine film without Jackman involved, but with a character this iconic, more films are inevitable at some point.

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X-Men Gambit
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