10 Predictions For Fox's Upcoming Marvel Movies

5. X-23 Will Join One Of The X-Teams


Following her fan-pleasing debut in Logan, don't bet against Fox finding a role for Laura in its X-Men universe in the future.

Wolverine's comic book clone and successor presents both an opportunity and a headache for the studio. On the one hand, X-23 is a great character and Daphne Keen brought her to life effectively, yet on the other, she's stuck in 2029.

Had Logan or the character been a flop, Fox wouldn't have cared that she's stranded in the future, but since neither was the case, conversations regarding a wider role for Laura are bound to have taken place.

There are two possibilities - use time travel to shift things around, as the X-Men movies have done in the past, or simply throw continuity out of the window to integrate X-23 in one of the current teams, something the series has also done before.

Bringing Laura back in a key role would not only fill the Wolverine-shaped hole in the X-universe, it would also ensure that Logan left a living legacy behind.

In this post: 
X-Men Gambit
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