10 Reasons Ghostbusters II Is Ridiculously Underrated

1. The Chemistry Of The Cast

Ghostbusters II
Columbia Pictures

The series might have great effects, catchy music and quotable dialogue, but ultimately what made them work was the chemistry of the cast. No matter what other critiques can be lobbed at the second movie, there’s no denying the ensemble were fantastic.

Murray, Aykroyd and Ramis were three of the funniest comedians back in the day, and when they’re together magical things happen. They slip back into their respective roles effortlessly, and unlike the first movie they some make for Ernie Hudson to be a proper part of the crew.

Rick Moranis isn’t essential plotwise, but watching his Louis comically jabber – like his opening speech in the courtroom scene – is still comic gold. Murray and Sigourney Weaver have a nice romantic chemistry going this time, and the new cast additions – like Peter McNicol and Kurt Fuller – slip neatly into the line-up.

Do you think Ghostbusters II is underrated, or is it a disappointment? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


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