10 Reasons The X-Men Films Should Completely Reboot

8. Stronger Villains


Besides Magneto and his supporting evil mutants, the only villains the X-Men have faced are aging and paranoid white politicians. (It€™s been proven that you don€™t need superpowers to beat the Republican Party.) What about the Sentinels, Sinister, or Apocalypse? If I would€™ve told you before the franchise started that we€™d go through six X-Men movies with absolutely no mention of these guys, you€™d tell me it would be a dry and repetitive franchise. And you€™d be right. Granted, you€™re not going to find a better villain for the X-Men to face off against than Magneto, but does that mean that he needs to be in every X-movie? Well, of course! That€™s why we have the Joker featured in every Batman movie.

Adil Hussain has graduated from college and teaches preschool and wants to work in media entertainment and is gracious and good and loves pop tarts.