10 Ridiculous Comic Book Castings (That Actually Totally Worked)

10. Matthew Goode - Ozymandias (Watchmen)

Why It Was Ridiculous: There was a lot of pre-release controversy surrounding Zack Snyder's Watchmen (namely his admission that he had removed the climactic squid sequence in favour of his own concoction), but the major ruckus casting-wise was the decision to place 30-year-old Matthew Goode as the story's antagonist, Ozymandias. Considering producers had been courting the considerably older Tom Cruise and Jude Law, picking such a young, baby-faced actor for such a vital role didn't seem to mesh well with what fans had seen on the page. The Result: Matthew Goode is a fine actor, and though many will still argue that he's too young for the part, he did an exemplary job selling his character's intent, and particularly his delivery of the famous "I'm not a comic book villain..." speech. In a film with a lot more to worry about, he fit perfectly with some of the more conventional casting choices, and made me forget within minutes that he wasn't quite the Ozy I had expected to see.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.