10 Ridiculous Stories Behind 2020 Movies
2. Sacha Baron-Cohen Hides In Toilets For Hours Dressed As Trump - Borat 2
The making of the Borat sequel was rife with ridiculous stories, especially ones concerning its scandalous finale. As much as it got people talking (and rightly so), it seems like the impact of it's ending overshadowed the other bonkers things to come out of the production. And because of this, not enough people talked about the insane plan Cohen enacted for the stunt at the conservative conference.
What we end up seeing is star Sacha Baron-Cohen hiding in the men's toilets before crashing a speech given by Mike Pence (then Vice-President) while dressed as Trump. For him to do that, he had to wake up at 1 AM, go to a motel, spend 6 hours with the prosthetics team to make him look more Trump-like, sneak into the conference hours in advance and wait for it his moment in the restroom.
The time he spent in those toilets proved interesting, with only a phone and soft drink to hand. According to him, he "became familiar with the inner workings of the right-wing man more than anyone around", adding that their diets "need more roughage". As harrowing as that sounds, it definitely reaped its rewards, with the scene playing out hilariously.