10 Robert De Niro Movies That Suck More Than Dirty Grandpa

2. The Bag Man

Also known as The Carrier, this Tarantino wannabe sees John Cusack€™s hitman being tasked by crime boss De Niro to deliver a bag. There€™s only one thing that€™s worse than watching a bad movie, and that€™s watching a really smug bad movie; one that thinks it€™s really clever and well made when the opposite is true. The Bag Man is one such movie. The dialogue is self-consciously hip, striving for Pulp Fiction style quirkiness only to fall flat on its face. Despite a decent cast, none of the characters are worth investing in, with De Niro going full-on panto for the villain. He does his best with the ridiculous lines he€™s given, but even the greatest actor in the world can stop them sounding dumb; his hairstyle is kind of funny though. The Bag Man could have been a halfway decent noir thriller in an alternate universe; in this one, it€™s another black mark on De Niro€™s legacy.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.